A March for All Generations

March 30, 2018

On March, 24th 2018, the March for Our Lives commenced and it was a powerful movement towards change. When people think of the March, they often think of the teens that aren’t afraid to stand for the fundamental rights they deserve. Many brand the crowd as a group of millennials who aren’t scared of authority. But, this article from The Atlantic tells the story of a grandfather who attended the protest through the lens of his granddaughter. The perspective of the article helps to shift the typical mold we believe the elderly fit into: conservative individuals with unwavering republicans viewpoints.

Rachel Gutman, pens the story of how her grandfather who grew up near Parkland, Florida attended his first protest since the 1960s – stating how no protest since seemed important enough until now. “The fidgeting, the turning his head in circles, the asking every person he accidentally bumped into where they had come from—it all stopped once the students started speaking. My grandpa was entranced. He clapped harder than I’ve ever seen him clap for 11-year-old Naomi Wadler. He cried for Emma González.” This article shed a light on how today’s young people are not only forging a path of change for their own generation, but are helping to shift the way older age groups look at their own preexisting beliefs. While there is still a long way to go, it’s promising to see the changes movements like this March have on the world.