A New Skateboard… Kinda

April 1, 2015

Have you ever ridden a skateboard? Better question, have you ever fallen on your face while trying to ride a skateboard? If the answer is yes, then, oh boy, do we have something for you. Hammacher Schlemmer has invented a Post Modern Skateboard that, essentially, is two wheels with platforms in them for your feet. They thought, <em>what could we do for people who have trouble standing on a piece of wood with wheels under it? </em>And man, oh man, did they deliver. The answer was stupidly easy… just get rid of that pesky piece of stabilizing wood; people will just ride the wheels! Nothing says sturdy and dependable like a circular rubber tube. And if that’s not enough to sway you, let’s talk about how cool you’ll look riding your Post Modern Skateboard. Instead of traveling in boring straight lines like on a traditional skateboard, this skateboard uses a serpentine-like motion to propel you forwards and backwards. Nothing says cool like the swole calves you’ll have after a few weeks riding this mobile piece of art.