ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: Ice, Ice Baby

September 9, 2014

So by now we’ve all been exposed one way or another to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. While some videos are ridiculous (check out Homer Simpson’s) others are touching and shed some light on the truth behind why this ‘challenge’ was created (like Anthony Carbajal’s. No matter the video you choose to watch one thing stands true: The challenge has worked tremendously to spread awareness and raise funds for the cause. As of last week, the ALS Association has received over $100 million in donations in August compared to $2.7 million during the same month last year. But why, of all of the crazy marketing phenomena, did this specific campaign work? Check out the top 10 things that marketers can learn from the #ALSicebucketchallenge and see if your own judgments line up with as to why it is so successful.