Amelia The Great

January 26, 2018

Amelia Conway, a fourteen-year-old filmmaker, has already created more content than people three times her age. The teen director has made short films, music videos and commercials for Toms, Target, Nascar and American Girl. Wait, it gets better. Conway has also held a Tedx Talk on how teens experience ageism. “Since I was 8, I was always filming little shorts with toys, my brother, nature, or other friends. When I was 11 years old, my friend and I created a music video for a Bon Iver song out of an abandoned ranch behind my house in Texas,” Conway reflected on. Generation after Z are super passionate about getting stuff done and are very strong-willed. “My generation is really hypersensitive to b*lls*h*t. We’re independent and strong-willed, and I think that ads have always seemed fake to some extent because they don’t know how to reach young audiences.” These millions of Americans are not willing to settle and are extremely self-motivated in both their professional and personal lives. Conway, for instance, likes to show how people take action and believes that is what people want from brands in their commercials. Even though Conway and her peers are basically kids, Conway believes that her generation is the first to really get out there, boots on the ground and act professional. “If my generation is doing this already, then imagine how strong-willed the next generation will be.”