An Agency’s Next Hire

February 24, 2017

Cognitive computing is the latest and greatest in technology and it will organically impact what agencies look for in their next employee hire. Rumor has it that in the next computing era, agencies will pursue an artificial intelligence (AI)/cognitive developer to partner with a skilled data scientist to create the dynamic duo; cognitive computing layered with a trained learning system. Statistics show we only access a fifth of data, leaving the remainder unstructured, so what would an agency look like if we could access all of our resources? We predict it would create an agency supersized. Since we’re in the movement of the next digital shift, the developer, most businesses and agencies are testing new technological ways to have an impactful voice in the ever-changing market. Agencies are also having a more supportive role in the AI market with their relations with product makers and cognitive developers who have a firm grasp on the range of applications revolutionizing the market (mobile experiences, data analytics, etc.). Honestly, those are the relationships and applications that are key to keeping an agency relevant. “We’ve been seeing the swift for a bit now, but there is certainly no arguing this is the future of agencies”, said Thomas Garvin milk*’s Director of Media & Strategy. Longstanding data reports will most likely never entirely vanish (research surveys and focus groups for example), but agencies will need to look at more advanced analytic tools being offered. Simply, become the smart agency on the block.