An App That Opens Up Political Dialogue

January 30, 2017

Joe Trippi, a campaign manager for Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean in 2004, reinvented the way politicians run for office by using the powers of social media as an effective political tool (even back in 2004 social media was still very effective). “There’s been a lot of focus on winning campaigns, but there’s been less focus on governing,” Trippi says. “There are a lot of tools out there for campaigns to talk to voters, but not as many looking at how to give citizens and voters more impact on actual elected leaders in Congress.” With that being said, Trippi used this as his vision to give citizens a voice in national politics. Countable is an online service that simply gives people the opportunity to have political dialogue. How nice is that? It essentially breaks down the wall between politicians and citizens and also creates an environment of understanding. Let’s be honest, not everyone understands the ins and outs of politics. Countable is the solution to this problem; it is a site that explains politics to the general public. Of course content accuracy, creditability, and diversity is extremely important to the company. It adheres to the basic values of political journalism and equal opportunity. An app like Countable hopefully will help with the apparent divide living within our country and limit the number of people living in political darkness. Really, the political partition between politicians and citizens needs to be lowered.