Burger King’s Newest Burger: The Moldy Whopper

February 28, 2020

What was initially an ad meant to introduce the world to the “beauty of no artificial preservatives” has become a polarizing topic of debate amongst many. While some are all for the transparency as well as the devotion to creating a burger that is not as processed, some simply cannot see beyond the blue, fuzzy burgers plaguing their screens. And what is most shocking is that Burger King agrees. They are fully aware of how ugly their new burgers can get, which is exactly why they tweeted that “the beauty of real food is that it gets ugly.”

It appears that Burger King was going for shock value, regardless of whether it would be perceived negatively or positively. The true genius of this campaign, however, is that while it is disgusting, the unsightly photos are so impactful that so many are curious to check them out. Not only that, but it is such a positive thing that Burger King is deciding to forgo artificial preservatives. While the ad was certainly interesting to look at, no one can deny that it got many people talking.