Concierge for a Plasma? How Companys’ roles and responsibilities are changing.

July 6, 2006

Page C5 of today’s New York Times features a full page article for Panasonic plasma TVs. Unlike what you would expect, the ad does not focus on HDTV, picture quality or its amazing sound, rather it focuses on a new added value feature for Panasonic plasma TV owners called “Plasma Concierge”.

The website,, is the gateway to this new level of personalized service. The site explains everything from the best placement of our TV to how a plasma TV can be used for more than just TV. How about using it as an art gallery projector or a continuous slide show medium. The concierge service also give you priority service scheduling and an expert toll-free hot line for service questions.

This initiative from Panasonic showcases company’s increasing role and responsibility to more strongly connect with peoples life. Technology has become more intimate than ever before. Who would have thought that you would need a concierge service for a TV. Well, the truth is, you most likely don’t, and probably only a few people will actually take advantage of the program. But Panasonic must have realized in a very crowed marketplace anything that helps them stand out is a very good thing.

Concierge services made a splash with luxury cars and now are being adopted by even less expensive auto manufactures. In a world of expected instant connectivity, even a TV needs an advocate and community. People are looking for more reasons to make their purchases extra special. This trend will continue as categories become more and more crowded.

Michael Kosowicz
Senior Partner, COO