Group of Middle Schoolers Makes Valentine’s Day Special for Everyone

February 15, 2019

While Valentine’s Day is lovely for many, it’s also a day on which a lot of people feel lonely and left out. But this year, three middle school boys in Kansas tried to counter that sad truth.

Tristan Valentine (yes, that’s his real name), Kyan Rice, and Lincoln Holmes didn’t want any of their female classmates to feel left out on the 14th, so they used their own money to buy flowers for each and every girl in their school. They also provided 70 staff members with flowers.

It was apparently a good deed they had been planning for quite a while; they had discussed the idea ahead of time with school principal Sarah Guerrero, who obviously supported the gesture.

The story made the news, but it doesn’t seem like fame was their intention. And that’s the best part of this heart-warming story.