HQ Trivia

December 22, 2017

A new app, HQ, has everyone tackling trivia questions this holiday season. And if you’re not already playing HQ trivia you need to start playing right now. The free iPhone app offers live trivia twice per day where you can compete with people around the world for…actual money! It is as fun as it sounds, but also very difficult. But part of the app’s draw is that there are multiple ways to get around the challenges. Firstly, a player can invite friends to play along with them and use their knowledge for help. Secondly, a player shouldn’t quit after they get an answer wrong. As tempting as it may be, it’s worth keeping the app open to get a better feel for the types of trivia questions to except in the future. Thirdly, HQ trivia happens every day at 3pm and 9pmEST, turning on notifications will serve as a great reminder for players. The more games players play, the better chances they have at winning, which is a no-brainer. Fourthly, playing with friends is a great (and strategic) way of not playing HQ because if one person gets eliminated, the entire group still has a shot at winning. Lastly, disabling the commentary completely helps void any distractions. Utilizing a combination of these strategies can help get players through an entire round of HQ trivia and even win some money. Good luck!