Ikea Allows Strays in Store

November 19, 2018

An Ikea in Italy compassionately allows strays in their store to stay warm during the winter.

Everyone deserves a home for the holidays. An Ikea in Italy has gone above and beyond for their furry neighbors. The store has opened their doors to allow stray dogs to come in and warm up during the harsh winter months. The strays in Catania, Italy have found a new home inside the storefront.

Not only are the dogs safe and warm, but customers and employees have found the idea to be completely heartwarming. One customer shares, “the store had decided to open its doors to homeless pups in the area to give them refuge from the elements. And the welcome came with more than just a safe place to stay.

‘The dogs receive daily food and pampering from IKEA’s employees and customers’, Taccia said. ‘Some dogs have even found a family, going home with customers.’” Nothing spreads holiday cheer like a sweet pup at an Ikea and patrons have taken to social media to share the cuteness online. The Ikea isn’t advertising their good deed outwardly, the positive outpouring on social media has done the work for them. Photos of the dogs lounging on the Swedish furniture have taken Instagram by storm.

Plus, when it’s all said and done, there is nothing better than creative an initiative that is mutually beneficial for everyone involved – the rest of the world should take note on the practices of this Italian Ikea.