It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s an Amazon Drone!

December 20, 2013

Who doesn’t prefer shopping online? Finding exactly what you want, in exactly the size and color you want while cross checking several stores making sure you’re paying the best price while never leaving he comfort of the couch? That part is great, but then, you have to wait. Well, that may change thanks to Amazon. In a recent interview on 60 Minutes, Amazon’s chairman and CEO, Jeff Bezos, revealed Amazon’s (hopefully) latest service: Amazon Prime Air, a 30 minute delivery service that uses drones. Sounds pretty amazing, right? According to Bezos, it’s absolutely possible, the glitch? The FAA has yet to rule on regulations for civilian drones. So it might take a while, but even if it takes a while Amazon is getting some solid coverage for their thinking. If/when Amazon can really pull this off, we’ll be impressed.