Lowe’s ‘Letters to Home’ Holiday Campaign Is Full of Gratitude

November 24, 2020

As many brands are looking to give their consumers an escape from the stress of all 2020, Lowe’s has decided to go a different route. By partnering with some of the most wholesome people on the internet, the home improvement retailer is encouraging folks to write letters of gratitude to their homes – the place we have all found sanctuary since March. The result is a genuinely pure invitation to turn away, even if it is just for a moment, from the negativism of the past year and spend some time reflecting on what has been good. There’s “so much to consider about how important home has become to us, more so than ever before this year,” explained Lowe’s chief marketing officer Marisa Thalberg. The holiday campaign is predicted on the classic “home for the holidays”, acknowledging this year is a little different from others. The home is “a thing that warrants gratitude,” Thalberg said. “Gifting something for the home is kind of a gift for everyone.”