New Year’s Resolutions and How to Keep Them

January 13, 2017

Let’s make the most of 2017! And it all starts with New Year’s resolutions. iQuanti, a data focused digital marketing company, compiled a list of the most popular Google search terms for the 2017 New Year. Below is what they found:

It is no surprise health and fitness tops the list, it does every year. But this year, the data shows more people are interested in life changes versus immediate gratification. It is an uplifting change to see a surge in people researching life happiness versus the best gym membership deal. Unfortunately though, research shows us that only a minimal percent of people actually stick with and achieve their New Year’s goals. Trend shows most people call it quits after a couple weeks. Didi Wong, an integrative wellness and life coach, says it is important to “think about what it is that you want in life and how is it that you can achieve it by taking baby steps.” Essentially, make the resolution something YOU really want. Don’t make it a resolution you “should” want or what other people tell you to want. It is important to have a resolution that fits your values. Cheers to a new year!