
July 7, 2015

As admirers of social media-used-brilliantly, we give kudos to the team behind the Foo Fighters for their ingenious #SignDavesCast campaign. At a concert in Sweden last month, front man, Dave Grohl, fell off the stage and broke his leg. Heroically, Grohl finished the concert, but the band was forced to cancel the seven remaining shows in Europe. Bummer indeed, but someone socially savvy saw an opportunity. Instead of getting a mere refund, fans were invited to #SignDavesCast and offer messages of support in the form of a virtual cast. The best 300 tags were printed onto a real cast, presented to Grohl once the tour resumed last weekend in Washington DC. We think that’s a pretty great way to leverage a setback. Into the Foo Fighters? There’s still time to at signdavescast.com.