Stranger Things

September 29, 2017

Netflix’s sleeper hit sensation, ‘Stranger Things’, is on the brink of releasing new advertisements for their impending new season.  The creators behind the eerie mystery obsession is getting inspiration from 1970 and 1980s film posters for their new ads. Netflix is stopping at nothing on social media to promote the looming new season. The show used their Twitter account to launch a weekly recap of each episode of the first season using the hashtag #StrangerThursdays and tied each episode to a classic ‘80s film – a brilliant use of social media marketing. The entire campaign was created by an in-house marketing team who are strategically triggering fans’ inner childhood horror movie nostalgia. They paid homage to each film’s original poster art while placing the show’s cast members in. The attention to detail in the faux posters really make the new creative pop – all the way from the taglines to the fonts strokes. “Last year when we were making the show, we were just worried that we weren’t going to get anyone to watch it at all. There was a concern that the show was going to be this little blip in pop culture, so we were just thrilled that people were watching it. And it just snowballed from there,” said one of the show’s producers. Well, the critical acclaim and the dedicated fan base might flow better with these new promos and is always simply wild!