Shiver Shield

December 22, 2017

With the bitter cold temperatures of the winter upon us, it’s time to keep your winter coat handy. Many parts of the US experience winters filled with blizzards and polar vortex conditions – so a warm coat is a necessity. What if there was a coat that was so strong you only had to wear a T-shirt to stay warm during even the coldest winter’s night? The Shiver Shield uses innovative technology to keep you feeling toasty all winter long. The Shiver Shield was featured on the show “The Henry Ford’s Innovation Nation” during season one in 2015. The kickstarter wanted to create garments that could remain lightweight while combating against extremely cold temperatures. A demonstration video found on their website helps to showcase the strength of the material inside the coat by placing the material on freezing dry ice. However, the material is so strong that you can rest your hand comfortably without getting cold for over five minutes. The products range from coats (starting at $299) to thermal hunting seats, which allow you to stay warm during any winter activity you choose. The coat uses the technology of intense insulation to keep the coat-wearers warm no matter what they’re doing. Whether you’re climbing a mountain, skiing through the alps or shoveling snow in your driveway, The Shiver Shield promises to ward off the cold all-season long.