The Northern Lights will rock this winter

August 29, 2013

While we’re on the topic of light, have you heard nature’s finest light show, the aurora borealis will be especially active this year? According to this August 6th article in the Telegraph, the northern lights will be at their 11-year peak this December 2013. The intensity and frequency of the northern lights are governed by a solar cycle that lasts for 11 years. It’s at this point that the “solar flip” occurs and the resulting in a spectacular show involving a full range of colors. Jonny Cooper, the managing director of Off the Map Travel says the best places to view this phenomenon are the Swedish settlements of Abisko and Björkliden, 120 miles north of the Arctic Circle as both are located within a “rain shadow” and away from any detracting artificial lights. If Sweden is too far, suggests Alaska or the Canadian Yukon. As for us, we’ll stay warm and check them out via this video on