The Odds Are (again) In Her Favor

September 9, 2016

If you haven’t read Jennifer Lawrence’s essay on the Hollywood gender pay gap, “Why Do I Make Less Than My Male Co-Stars”, please stop whatever you’re doing (including reading this) and do so immediately (you can thank us later). Last year after the Sony ‘hacking scandal’, it was revealed Hollywood actors are being paid more than their female counterparts. Jennifer Lawrence, Melissa McCarthy, Amy Schumer, and other industry A-listers spoke candidly about how the movie business is notoriously ageist. “I started to think if I could do anything to build women up rather than the constant tear down I’m going to do it,” McCarthy expressed. And she did. Almost two years since the entertainment hack of the century, she ranked #2 in Forbes annual list of the world’s highest-paid actresses. Over twelve months, the comic actress earned $33 million. Lawrence banked an impressive $46 million and even managed to hold her reign for another year. [As a reader’s note, Forbes highest paid actor, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, capped the year at $64.5 million]. Despite a disturbing study that found actresses fill only 28.7% of all speaking roles in film, actresses continue to maneuver themselves into positions of economic power. Lawrence, the only actress on the list under 30, for instance is using her relevance and platform for the cause!