The Rhythm Social Experiment.

November 6, 2013

Over the years, milk* has developed a long list of friends who challenge convention and dive into their passions, leaving us motivated and smiling. Glenn Schloss is one of our inspirations and he’s recently started “The Rhythm Social Experiment”. Here is a excerpt from Glenn’s blog explaining his experiment: “As a morning ritual, I play the djembe to wake up every day. I breathe, connect, play and express my groove as I start my day.  It fuels me up and charges my soul battery.  Then one morning, it hit me.  If I could help charge someone else’s battery in the process, that would make my soul even happier.” For 21 days, Glenn will be out in the Nyack playing for 15 minutes each morning at 7:30 a.m. Why….  “Because I feels it’s time to play for anyone that wants to receive good positive energy in the morning.” Follow Glenn’s journey.