The Younger You Are the Quicker You Tweet.

December 9, 2013

At milk* and our new sister agency, milk*media, we often ponder the use of the second screen and we were thrilled to find this piece courtesy of Pepsi on the multi screen world of the millennials. Pepsi has a long history in event marketing and recently decided to do some work to understand the links between events and devices. Using research biometrics, Pepsi took a look at the behaviors of 12-34 year olds at non-sports events like the MTV Video Music Awards. What emerged was surprising: During pivotal moments of the show—like Miley Cyrus twerking (which generated a record 360,000 tweets per minute)—viewers 18-26 immediately shifted from TV viewing to second screens. While, those aged 27-34 stayed with the telecast, waiting to engage in social conversations until after. For Pepsi, the key learning was to maintain a brand message throughout the show as apposed to a big part at the beginning or the end. For more info, use your second screen to check out