What Are We Really Learning Here?

June 5, 2009

kateThis isn’t a soapbox post. Or maybe it is. That’s for you to decide. But what are we learning from The Learning Channel’s (in case you forgot what TLC stood for) Jon & Kate? Forget about the “8” for a moment (everyone else seems to be), because right now it’s all about Jon and Kate – or more specifically, Kate. She’s cute, she’s scorned, she’s…marketable! The tabloids are making a ton off of her. And pretty soon, she will become a fully realized brand. Can’t you just see her having her own show or a semi-regular spot on The View? This is a lesson about how you can literally pluck people off the street and turn them into branded celebrities in the digital age. This is not voyeuristic silliness like awkardfamilyphotos.com; this is serious. There are eight kids to think about. TLC’s slogan is “Life surprises.” Are any of us really surprised anymore?