Yanny vs. Laurel

June 1, 2018

Chances are, if you have been on social media over the past week you probably have seen this peculiar video posted by social media influencer Cloe Feldman. The video displays a simple white screen and the audio is simply a repeating word, but the tricky part is that some people distinctly hear the word “Yanny” while others clearly hear “Laurel”. This phenomenon has caused heated debates amongst co-workers, friends, and family alike. Luckily, scientists across the country have spoken up to explain the reason as to why each person hears something different. The audio recording is what is known as an ambiguity allusion according to auditory experts. This means that because the recording is such low quality, your brain automatically fills in the blanks to create a familiar word. Essentially, this combination of the incoming audio with your prior knowledge of the English language produces the two distinct and different words depending on the person. This is the same idea behind the infamous black and blue/white and gold dress illusion. Despite the risk of getting to some heated debates, ambiguity illusions are an easy way to see the complexity of our brains first hand.