Exclusive! The Best Ice Cream in Every State

May 24, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend is just days away, and in our eyes, we can now safely say ‘Hello Summer’! Our minds will (or probably already have) start imagining and daydreaming about all of our favorite seasonable pleasures; sunshine, the beach, pools, sunglasses, lemonades, watermelon, and of course, ice cream. PureWow, a trendy and boutique website, devoted an entire article breaking down the best ice cream spots and flavors from our beloved fifty states. Even though America does not suffer from a shortage of ice cream parlors, there is no denying some just simply stand out from the rest. Some state winners came as no surprise, like Ben and Jerry’s victory over Vermont. It is after all the original home to the Ben and Jerry’s factory. However, other winners were not as predictable. Alaska, for instance, a state you probably wouldn’t associate with stellar ice cream, is home to Hot Licks Homemade Ice Cream in Fairbanks, Alaska. This ice cream spots proves ice cream is a year round delicacy! In Dania Beach, Florida at Jaxson’s Ice Cream Parlour customers are encouraged to order ‘the kitchen sink’. The monstrous mountain of an ice cream sundae is served in a kitchen sink! We assume this Floridian favorite is meant to be shared, however, with ice cream enthusiasts you never really know! Milk’s home state winner Buttonwood Farm in Griswold, Connecticut is famously known for it 40 flavor variety of ice cream, yogurts, and sorbets customers can chose from March-October. We surely can go on and on about each state and their unique ice cream, but we wouldn’t want to spoil all the fun for our readers! Make sure to check out the complete list at http://www.purewow.com/food/best-ice-cream-every-state.