Has Beachbody Taken Over Your Facebook Feed?

March 31, 2016

Once you look past those Trump posts, does your newsfeed look more and more like the Home Shopping Network? Whether it’s Beachbody or Rodan & Fields or Jamberry or whatever else, the rise of social media has made it easier than ever for anyone to try their hand at multilevel marketing. One master of Facebook Pyramiding is Team Beachbody, the fitness empire built on the idea that your real, flawed friends make more effective fitness spokespeople than any celebrity could ever hope to be. Team Beachbody “coaches” are successful customers-turned-salespeople who try to sell the same fitness packages that turned their sad “before” into an income earning “after”. Packages include DVDs, shakes, meal ideas, and coaching. Coaches get a 25 percent cut of every sale they make and if one of their customers becomes a coach, the original coach receives a cut of their sales too. Amway, Herbalife and Mary Kay, move over, the pyramid in alive and well.