Helping the Homeless

July 13, 2018

There are 83.1 million millennial living in the United States of America alone – this group accounts for young people ages 18 – 36. Many millennials’ are setting out for the first time; moving out and creating their own lives. For some, the mounting challenges of the real world are too much and they find themselves in difficult situations. Homelessness is a serious issue, which is why Y2Y Harvard Square Homeless Shelter in Boston has set out to make a difference in the lives of these homeless millennials. This shelter is so spectacular because it is one of only a few shelters across that United States that have a strong commitment to helping young adults get back on their feet. “If Y2Y didn’t exist, there’s no telling what would have happened to me. I’d rather be on the street still than stay at some of those other homeless shelters,” said one of the millennial who has been positively impacted by the Y2Y Har vard Square Homeless Shelter. What’s even more remarkable about the shelter is that most of the volunteers are fellow millennial students from Harvard University who are passionate about helping those around them. In the Boston shelter they are able to support 27 individuals at a time by providing them with a bed, clothing, showers, toiletries, meals, and other services for 8 months a year. Despite being open for only a few years the shelter has changed the lives of hundreds of homeless millennial by helping them get back on their feet!