Lucky Charms Greatest Gift To Mankind

August 5, 2016

As a child you were probably yelled at one time or another for only eating the marshmallows out of your bowl of Lucky Charms. Your pruny fingertips, bent spoons, or bowl of only toasted oats probably gave you away. There was something magical about your cereal’s milk becoming the colors of the rainbow as each marshmallow melted away. We all wished for it, wanted it, and hoped for it…a bowl of Charms’ marshmallows. Well in 2015 it happened, but somewhat Willy Wonka style. General Mills released just 10 limited marshmallow only boxes of cereal. As you can imagine, it created a serious public frenzy. However (!), come to find out recently these marshmallow-only Charms have actually been available online for quite sometime. Customers are able to buy various quantities of this Charms specialty; ranging from individual to bulk supply. The latest news boosted General Mills’ classic cereal’s popularity, sales, and even trended on Facebook the week of its discovery. It is evident from the public’s reaction that America has spoken and we want boxes of Lucky Charms sans toasted oats pronto.