More Matcha Please

June 12, 2017

There is no question that over the past several years health has become a consistent topic in what’s trending. From the booming obsession of kale to the newfound love of cauliflower rice, there is certainly no shortage of superfoods around us. Recently however, it is not only about the superfoods but also about a supertea. Matcha tea is taking health and wellness to a new level. Although now nothing matches its popularity, matcha tea has been around since 2500 B.C.E. when Chinese monks first discovered it. 12th century monks originally used the supertea during meditation. The tea created a feeling of calmness, an ‘alert calm’ which stimulates the brain to go into relaxation. A common misconception between green tea and matcha tea is that their benefits are the same because they are both a green color, but matcha’s leaves are processed very differently. The matcha is actually a powder-based tea, whereas green tea is a more traditional type. Ultimately resulting in different health benefits. Matcha tea has three times as many antioxidants versus green tea, it can protect against heart disease, regulate blood sugar, boost metabolism, and perhaps the best benefit of all – prevent aging. Not only is matcha tea physically beneficial, there are also great mental benefits. Matcha tea helps concentration and relaxation, and still has enough caffeine to help those night owls. We think we will be brewing matcha for many years to come.