Spotify Wraps Up Your Year in Music

December 13, 2018

Spotify curated a 2018 capsule so users can get an inside look on their year’s listening habits.

As the year comes to a close, there are many things to look forward to in the fresh start of 2019. But, it can be fun to reflect on all you’ve accomplished in the past year. It doesn’t have to be the heavy stuff – it can be just about music.

Spotify has created a program called “Wrapped” that puts all of your listening into an aestethetically pleasing graphic to showcase what you listened to over the past 365 days. Spotify peaks user interest by stating, “Take a look at how you listened, because no one else listened exactly like you.”

Not only it is cool to see what songs made an impact on you, it’s also a subtle way for Spotify to remind you about the intregal part it played in your year – and sly push to remind us continue to use the platform. As Tech Crunch says, “Spotify will tell you the number of new artists you discovered, your most-played songs and artists, top genres and, of course, help you share these fun facts to Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, giving them some nice free advertising in the process.”

This feature will make you a playlist of your top 100 songs from the year and offer you a playlist called “Tastebreakers” which features songs that Spotify believes you’d really love even if you aren’t already listening. Have you checked out which songs made your personal Hot 100 list yet?