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Speechless by Brendan

February 23, 2014

I mean c’mon. Look at it. Look! That feeling, the one deep in your cockles, is one of joy, of aspiration. If I were allowed to put pictures up on my walls like Nash did in a beautiful mind, it would be of the Lotus C-01. It looks like the READ MORE >

WoodKid by Ali

February 23, 2014

Yoann Lemoine was born on March 16, 1983 in France. He is a music video director, graphic designer and singer-songwriter.

Golden by Kristin

February 23, 2014

My first dog as a kid was a Golden Retriever and now my first dog as an adult in my own home is a Golden. The first one was an 11 year old, old-man when I was born and spent his day hanging out by my crib even though I READ MORE >

Ninigret Pond by Kristin

December 3, 2013

One of my favorite places on the planet is the Willows Inn on Ninigret Pond in Charlestown, RI. It’s where I learned to row boats (teamwork!), paddleboat (teamwork!), drive a power boat, windsurf, and sail a Sunfish. It’s also where I learned that the clear jellyfish don’t sting and are READ MORE >

The Pure Genius of Children by Kelly

December 3, 2013

Naomi Shihab Nye is an amazing poet for so many reasons but her ability to capture the essence and spirit of what matters, what is authentic and feeds our spirit is profound and inspiring. This is a great example…

What do kids really think? by Debbie

December 3, 2013

Parents often question every little decision, second guess themselves and feel guilty when we overreact. This video sheds some light on how parents view things vs. their kids. It’s very sweet and it’s always nice to have some reinforcement from kids themselves that we’re doing a good job.

In-Home Gallery Walls by Sara

December 3, 2013

Having recently moved into our first married abode (an apartment with lot’s of big blank scary walls), I’ve had to find new ways to decorate. The perfect solution and my latest obsession: the gallery wall. Though we both have our fair share of useless memorabilia hoarded from our college years, READ MORE >

WoodKid by Ali

December 3, 2013

Yoann Lemoine was born on March 16, 1983 in France. He is a music video director, graphic designer and singer-songwriter.

A Bold Proposition by Kelly

November 5, 2013

Joan Didion offers it as a kind of cautionary warning. I see it more as a kind of rebellious saving grace. When the responsibilities and goals, expectations and dreams get too cumbersome to carry, there is always a lighter self, somewhere, who knows how to stop, to play, to be READ MORE >

Save a bunny, eat an egg by T.J.

November 5, 2013

Take a look.