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Why can’t R2D2 pump my gas?

March 4, 2014

If you’re like us, the thought of avoiding the hand-freezing job of pumping your own gas sounds pretty appealing. Missouri-based Husky Corporation and the Swedish company Fuelmatics Systems have joined forces to engineer the first robot gas pump. Here’s how they would work: Once drivers arrive at the station, the READ MORE >

Google Tango

March 4, 2014

Google is boldly entering the world of smartphones and Google couldn’t make just any smartphone, it had to make one that’s even smarter. Introducing project Tango, the first phone of its kind that can actually create a 3D impression of an interior or exterior space. The 5” experimental device and READ MORE >

Google’s Grab for World Domination

March 4, 2014

Tech geeks and trend spotters like us love keeping an eye on Google, so we’re keeping a look out for “Google and the World Brain”, the Sundance nominated documentary by director Ben Lewis. In 1937 HG Wells predicted the creation of the “World Brain”, a giant global library that contained READ MORE >

Putting an end to the hunt for the car keys.

February 4, 2014

Do you have a tendency to misplace your most precious items on a somewhat daily basis? Wish you had a tracking device on your keys, tv remote, even your bike? The answer is here! Meet Tile, one of Kickstarter’s hottest projects of the year. It’s a matchbook-sized, thin, white plastic READ MORE >

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s an Amazon Drone!

December 20, 2013

Who doesn’t prefer shopping online? Finding exactly what you want, in exactly the size and color you want while cross checking several stores making sure you’re paying the best price while never leaving he comfort of the couch? That part is great, but then, you have to wait. Well, that READ MORE >

Introducing Google’s Physical Virtual Card

December 9, 2013

Technological advantage. The new Google Wallet Card is a physical card tied to Google Wallet, a mobile payment system launched in 2011 that links debit, credit, loyalty, and gift cards all in one place. In theory, Google Wallet allowed users to “make secure payments fast and conveniently by simply tapping READ MORE >

Thanksgiving Surprises from Zappos.

December 9, 2013

Zappos is at it again! Last Thanksgiving they paid tolls for travelers and this year they turned the baggage claim into the Wheel of Zappos! As bags came out, they “landed” on various prizes, which the travelers got to keep. Zappos gift certificates, UGG boots and North Face fleeces to READ MORE >

“That thing in the desert?”

September 17, 2013

We’ve all heard of Burning Man, the annual festival that takes place the week before Labor Day on the site of an ancient lake bed 100 miles north of Reno. Perhaps you’ve even toyed with the  idea of attending. Why not take a virtual tour? San Franciscan Eddie Codel took footage READ MORE >

Life’s Sherpa

March 19, 2013

We know, we know, it’s an oldie. But it’s just so darn good. Welcome to Snapguide, where you can learn how to make dry- rubbed pork ribs (drooling sounds), cut side-swept bangs (whistling sounds) and change a bike tire (greasy sounds). Anything you want to learn or share you can READ MORE >

How Instagram is changing the world of photography

October 22, 2011

Social media is a great way to share, and has grown to be a (mostly) credible news source in the past few short years. Instagram, a photo-snapping app for  the iPhone, allows you to take photos and add vintage filters to them. The app allows for people to follow other’s photostreams, READ MORE >

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