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It’s a book! It’s amazing! It’s…Supercapitalism!

March 20, 2008

Robert B. Reich’s fascinating book Supercapitalism, pulls together a number of themes into a coherent, and depressing, whole. He argues that the marketplace is far more competitive than it once was, as a result of which corporations constantly try to offer the best product they can at the lowest possible READ MORE >

Which Cutting Board Do You Recommend with the Steak? Red or White?

March 20, 2008

Available on the MoMA Store site, these four color-coded polypropylene chopping boards are designed to avoid cross-contamination of various food types: red/raw meat, white/cooked foods, blue/fish, green/vegetables. The dishwasher safe boards are stored in an ABS plastic horizontal filing unit with a non-slip rubber bottom. Very, very cool.

Aw, That’s Sweet

March 20, 2008

Oh little honey bear, we will surely miss you because now we can hold your sticky sweetness in our hands without the need for your plastic form. You see, these good- natured Honibe folks from Canada have created the Honey Drop, the world’s first pure, non-sticky honey that we can READ MORE >

Absinthe Sucks

March 20, 2008

Here’s a new party favor we’re in favor of. Lollyphile’s Absinthe Lollipops are made with real, and completely legal, absinthe, with no artificial colors or flavors. The suckers at Lollyphile say “the combination of absinthe’s mystique and the inherent sexiness of lollipops is a pretty explosive one.” We’ll just leave READ MORE >

Band of Horses – Cease to Begin

February 26, 2008

Truly, this is a band with great musical range, going from twangy country riffs to emotionally soaring guitar rock. All this musical prowess paired with singer Ben Bridwell’s crisp soaring vocals, Band of Horses gives us an amazing album that we consider one of the best musical offerings in a READ MORE >

There’s Always Room for Jellio

February 11, 2008

Remember how much fun you had as a kid with toys like Hot Wheels, Nerf Balls and View Masters? Well the crafty folks at Jellio want you to surround yourself with a few of those memories on a long-term basis. Combining childhood fun with interior design, Jellio has created a READ MORE >

Koo-Ki Sushi – Life is Like A Kotobuki Box of Chocolates

February 11, 2008

Oh you Suedy’s people, bless your hearts for combining two of our favorite treats in the world, sushi and chocolate. Ok, so your handmade creations aren’t actually sushi – but they sure look like it! Seriously, check out this great gift idea because it’s ingenious and far more tasteful than READ MORE >

iRing Has Us Wrapped Around its Finger

February 11, 2008

Hands down product of the year nominee – if it ever gets produced. As far as we’re concerned, Victor Soto’s conceptual design can’t come soon enough. The touch-sensitive band controls media playback and volume while it communicates with your iPhone or iPod via Bluetooth. Just one more thing for “I’m READ MORE >

Yes, You Can Tape Fine Art to the Wall

February 11, 2008

Mixed media artist Mark Khaisman uses layers of translucent brown tape on plexiglass to create dramatic illuminations. The Ukraine-born artist studied in Russia and currently lives in Philadelphia where he gives birth to his universally appealing works. Check it out.

Inside Al Gore’s Pool

February 11, 2008

What a great combination of media and message by ad agency Naga DDB Malaysia. There really isn’t much else to say. We bow to such brilliance.