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July 7, 2015

As admirers of social media-used-brilliantly, we give kudos to the team behind the Foo Fighters for their ingenious #SignDavesCast campaign. At a concert in Sweden last month, front man, Dave Grohl, fell off the stage and broke his leg. Heroically, Grohl finished the concert, but the band was forced to READ MORE >

The Documentary That Gets It Right

July 7, 2015

It’s been said that if a documentary has a sufficiently electrifying subject and the bulk of the picture consists of archival footage, then you pretty much can’t lose. With an 8/10 on IMDB and an 85% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes, it looks like the legendary singer and civil rights READ MORE >

Loved and Lost (Half)

July 7, 2015

One of the best aspects of advertising is its collaborative nature. Strategists, brand managers, writers, We’re hoping this “loved and lost” story brings a chuckle. Apparently, it’s not a good idea to break up with a literal thinker who owns lots of power tools. Checkout this breakup tale on 

Watch That Left Hook

July 7, 2015

Russian biologist, Yegor Malashichev is looking beyond humans to explore the mystery of left vs. right-handedness. Human beings were once thought to be the only species with a consistent bias for one “hand” and with 90% of humans favoring the right since the time of the Neanderthals, much of the READ MORE >

The Technology Device’s Second Life

June 23, 2015

When it comes to product design, some pieces become clichés of lost eras, but others become iconic pieces that enrich our lives forever. Interior design has the Barcelona chair, the auto world has the Porsche 911 and what fashion editor doesn’t go crazy for vintage Balenciaga? What about the technology? READ MORE >

Parallel Parking Assistance, Please

June 23, 2015

Living in the crowded Northeast, one of the most annoying things we face everyday is… parking. Especially parallel parking; you know what we’re talking about—right? We love advertising stunts that get brands noticed and create media buzz, so this interactive billboard idea from Leo Burnett Germany for Fiat made us READ MORE >

Sleep? There’s A Nap For That

June 23, 2015

We all have different relationships with sleep. Most of us wish for more sleep and we’ve all met that person who claims they don’t need as much sleep as the average person, but they’re usually the one buying two Redbulls for breakfast. So what is the right amount of sleep READ MORE >

Lost Islands

June 23, 2015

Our leader, Joe Sequenzia, loves finding the bazaar and unique, especially when it’s hiding in plain sight. Looking out over the water from New York City, have you ever found yourself wondering, what is that little island? Well, you can thank Atlas Obscura, the self-proclaimed definitive guide to the world’s READ MORE >

Together We Can Do So Much

June 23, 2015

One of the best aspects of advertising is its collaborative nature. Strategists, brand managers, writers, photographers, programmers, producers and financial wiz kids, all coming together to create something meaningful. That’s why is close to our hearts. Think of as an online studio where artists come together to collaborate READ MORE >

Food For Thought

June 23, 2015

We’re pretty lucky at milk* to be working with several clients who believe in long-term sustainability and giving back. We also hate to waste, that’s why this piece in the Huffington Post caught our eye. Recently, France’s parliament voted to forbid big supermarkets from destroying unsold food, requiring them to READ MORE >